> > > 感觉设备实现需要一个类似 usb gadget 的分层资源注册-管理框架。读了下源代码,目前CherryUSB无论是资源抽象还是API设计都对多控制器的实现不友好。linux 和 libopencm3 这块设计的不错,但 license 都有传染性。 > > > > > > 不做多控制器支持,不好意思,多port只支持相同ip > > 哦哦,我这里可能描述的不清晰。前面提到的多控制器支持,是指相同IP多实例的情况 不同ip的多port就不做支持了哈,这个就要用户注册驱动,不合适,而且,基本很少芯片,两个port用的不同ip吧
Please wait! All the wireless protocols will support. It is in refactoring.
You can get some secrets in [CMakeLists](
> Does this mean wifi and/or ble support is now available on BL808? If so could you please link to some details? Readme has noted, only for bl616/bl618
Refer to
Thanks for you effort to point out sdk issues, i will spend sometime to check them and merge into our internal repo.If some commits can be cherry-picked, i will pick...
> 1, All the rom api has corresponding source code, we just disable some romapi and patch them in source code. 2, Some romapi has bugs, so if you use...
Some changes i will pick and others need be modified correctly( these i will modify in sdk without picking your commits).
> > 1, All the rom api has corresponding source code, we just disable some romapi and patch them in source code. > > Do you have original ROM API...
These romapi patches have synced in iot sdk and bouffalo_sdk, so cannot enable some of them. This will cause different romapi versions.