Saket Narayan

Results 67 issues of Saket Narayan

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Hello. Can robolectric's `ShadowBitmapRegionDecoder` create real bitmaps instead of returning empty bitmaps? I'm maintaining screenshot tests for [telephoto]( and it'd...

This is probably a weird edge case, but `moshi-sealed` doesn't like this setup: ```kotlin @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true, generator = "sealed:type") sealed interface Foo { @NestedSealed sealed interface SuperFoo : Foo...

The API documentation for `Filter` indicates that `keywords` and `statuses` are non-nullable fields, which doesn't seem to be the case when they're served as part of a `Status`. This was...


`AndroidFileSystem` uses `Locale.getDefault()` for lowercasing file extensions. Wouldn't this generate different results on different locales? Should `modernstorage` use `Locale.ENGLISH` instead?

[OpenableColumns](;l=23-24;drc=9ecfee03fa188aebfbd9778b4e020323903495ee) makes it clear that a `DocumentProvider` is only required to implement two columns: `OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME` and `OpenableColumns.SIZE`. All other columns are optional and can cause `modernstorage` to crash because it...

**Description** When errors are thrown during a composable's layout/measurement phase, they do not cause the test to fail. Instead, an empty screenshot is generated. Can paparazzi throw them instead of...


Dropshots doesn't seem to be able to generate snapshots when tests are run on [managed devices]( This can be reproduced in the sample app. Any ideas what might be happening?

**Emulator details:** Device: Pixel 7 System image: Marshmallow 23 RAM: 2536mb VM heap: 1228mb Stacktraces: ``` java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 20736012 byte allocation with 4194304 free bytes and 16MB...

Dropshots stores screenshots in my `androidTest` directory even when my tests are present in `androidTestDebug`. Is this intentional?

I have a toolbar whose content is loaded from the network. When the content is loaded, the toolbar's height can increase if if the content is longer than the placeholder....