Sajó Zsolt Attila

Results 6 comments of Sajó Zsolt Attila

Is there any update on this issue? I am experiencing the same.

Unfortunately, it is not true. Because of the debounce. When you have multiple ParseCollection you can use an example: ``` js var imageLoader1 = New ImageLoader(); var imageLoader2 = New...

Other problem with the multiple parserCollection: the ImageLoader have hardcoded prefix ('s2tex_'), which make so you are ending up with multiple 'id="s2tex_0"' etc. in your page. And as you use...

I will investigate, I see the possibility of it.

At the moment I could not reproduce, need to try multiple time, ideally with an automatic test.

I have managed to locate the root cause of the problem: the [markdown-it-attrs]( has a conflict with all of the math processing solution. The [issue is already raised ]( the...