I can confirm this bug. Firefox 106.0.1 installed from ppa KeepassXC 2.7.3 installed from ppa KeepassXC Firefox Add-on 1.8.3 result of `sudo strace -f -p $(pgrep firefox) 2>&1 | grep...
I've try with official ppa for ubuntu (ver. 2.6.6), offical ppa for KeePassXC (ver. 2.7.3) and AppImage ver 2.7.3). Nothing is working :( Can some one provide me with the...
Thanks, I've try 2.7.1 and it's not working for me :( Strange think, when I start firefox and keepassxc I can not find keepassxc-proxy running. Why this is not started...
Ok, clear. Do you see anything unusual in strace output?