Sajay Antony

Results 140 comments of Sajay Antony

The fact that `application/xml` exists in the example actually shows that implementations SHOULD ignore when coming across an unknown mediaType. There are a few intereseting examples . One is buildkit...

Could you give an example of this? > I don't have to disable features / revert commits that require newer fields. Releasing without any changes seems a bit odd. update...

Please open a support ticket through the portal and provide the details like region and the registry so that the issue can be routed and diagnosed.

@michiels were you able to go through the buildx sample we posted. Also are planning to first class this experience later during the year.

The base image is tracked using the `FROM` clause in your Dockerfile. If the source image is now in an ACR then you should update the Dockerfile to point to...

@karatedog - Looks like this image requires authentication- I was not able to view this image. ```bash docker manifest inspect errors: denied: requested access to the resource is denied...

/cc @mnltejaswini - The cross cloud publishing scenario become so much more easier if we had task integration as a publisher and subscriber.

@northtyphoon - should we close this since there is no plan to fix this issue. Changing the behavior of the write flag is a breaking change. @shizhMSFT's suggestion of archive...

@toddysm should we consider deprecating this flag or renaming it. It’s a breaking change so need to do this more carefully. Gil might be able to provide some feedback on...

@fuglede - that is the right repository to open the issue.