seyed sajad hosseini rostami
seyed sajad hosseini rostami
I don't know why but when defining a Kuesa.AnimationPlayer and assign to them a clock. can easily start the animation in both directions (direct and reverse). but when define a...
yes, now I can play the animation from the end to start. but there is a new problem when play animation in reverse mode at the end of animation "running"...
for example when starting the "DoorLAction" animation in DodgeViper.gltf file in reverse mode. signal runningChanged never called
In the patch, auto start from the end to the beginning was repaired, but at the moment, the problem is not sending a runningChanged signal when the animation is finished...
simply can test is, - define a Kuesa.AnimationPlayer - set Clock playbackRate to -1 - start the animation and wait for runningChanged signal when playbackRate is 1 onRunningChnaged method correctly...
simple code like this: Kuesa.AnimationPlayer { id: animationPlayer sceneEntity: root3D normalizedTime: 1 running : true clock: Clock { id: animationClose playbackRate: -1 } clip: "object_2Action" onRunningChanged: console.log(running) }
my problem solved by writing a watching method in animation player parent and check normalizedTimeChanged if equal to zero consider animation finished. and when assign the value of NormalizedTime to...
there is another question why can not assign QMaterial to an entity when using Kuesa.ForwardRenderer against to pure qt ForwardRenderer ?