Jaeho Lee (Jay)

Results 20 comments of Jaeho Lee (Jay)

저도 @dittos 님의 의견에 동의합니다. ㅎㅎ reactkr org를 원래 discussion이나 비슷한 용도로 사용해보려고 만들었지만 아무래도 유입 방문자가 적다보니 잘 이용하게 되지는 않더군요.

Could you elaborate what kind of support do you expect?

There is pretty great demos in storybook, but it is pretty hard to follow IMO. I think minimal example would be a good start.

The transformation for data-format might be trivial, but I think it would be a bit hard to know if this (svg-inline) loader is being called from which loader. I assume...

I tried looking into how css-loader works with this(svg-inline) loader and there is no way svg-inline can understand where the request is coming from. I though loader contexts would give...

Hello @bebraw, I'm interested, would you give me an instruction regarding how to move this repo below the org?

@bebraw invite sent

@bebraw updated owner - https://www.npmjs.com/package/svg-inline-loader

ok, thanks! :) @bebraw @d3viant0ne
