Jonas Atta Boateng

Results 18 comments of Jonas Atta Boateng

I have used the same approach but I can't get the images to scroll thought

I am using the FcPermissionsB.Builder class like so. `mFcPermissionsB = new FcPermissionsB.Builder(getActivity()) .onGrantedListener(new OnPermissionsGrantedListener() { @Override public void onPermissionsGranted(int requestCode, List perms) { //doing my thing here } }) .onDeniedListener(new...

@rizumita Thanks for the help. I have tried that but the error is still there though.

@rizumita , sorry for the late reply. Find attached a minimum sample app. [](

@rizumita thanks for the info. I have now downgraded my CocoaPod and its working now. Good work for spotting that.

Hi guys, any update on this or anyone been able to implement the click event?

@dipen-solulab, if you are talking about how the cards are laid out, check the app:stack_rotation="x". Setting x = 0 will give you that arrangement. Cheers

Hi Tundsdev, did you try it on real device? I was having same issue on simulator but it actually showed up in real device.

I think such implementation would be great. I love this library.

You can use SparseIntArray to keep track of the purchase count. In the beginning, all will be zero. At onBindViewHolder, check for value of SparseIntArray at position and then use...