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The ArchLinux and AwesomeWM configs. 📂 no errors or anything, installed all dependencies except xorg-init cuz it doesn't exist edit: installing the package ttf-material-icons(-git) from the AUR fixed SOME icons
error messege: ~/.config/awesome/mods/battery-widget/init.lua:125: attempt to index a nil value (field 'device') everything got build from the aur successfully except xorg-init which couldn't bet found
 sorry to bother you but I'm actually new to this thing. Getting error in installation. please help.
In the widget the battery is set BAT0, i have BAT1 on my laptop and because of that it crashes awesome and does not let me run the rice i...
Hello, using this as my daily driver for a few weeks now and loving it. The only thing I really need is to make the number of workspaces higher (4...
Only the default dock appears and error messages: `./config/awesome/config/other.lua:100: attempt to index a nil value (field 'images')` appears two times. What did I do wrong? using arch and awesome-git
**Expected behaviour** Selected files get highlighted so i can see what i selected **Actual behaviour** Theres no highlighting on selected files **System Info** - **OS**: Arch linux - **WM**: i3-gaps...
The DPI scaling of some elements is inconsistent at different resolutions. I noticed the dock, the control panel and the calendar are not scaled correctly in 4K and their alignment...
hey , some paths u gave seems to be wrong and instead I had to enter the extras folder , and in the end it didn't work but giving me...
**Description** Hi, I think this might be a bit off topic but i was in search of a similar control center to use with my open box config. I was...