
Results 6 comments of Saikorin

KCPtun? It is cost more internet data usage to speed up transfer speed and lower the delay, well it is not necessary. I think we need tell new bird to...

Especially in Asia CN2 internet cost at least 0.2USD/GB, I set up on CN2 for the faster speed(boast up to 35Mb/s). BBR is super useful for this case, reduce delay...

@fortuna thanks so much for the reply!

感谢解释,主要考虑到一是开源,二是安卓。安卓app在比如chrome os 或者模拟器上都可以完美运行,所以做个内网转存储并不是很难。爬图eh其实官方已经尝试过很多方法进行反爬虫,除非rewrite前端否则很难。 提出issue主要原因就是希望解释给南plus那边的非程序员小白,感谢解释。(可能他们没什么学习script language的经验) can use google cloud platform. lower delay and ping. Please try east-asia-1c servers

For my understanding, if your new server( I believer you are using a single server rather than a ALB kubernetes) has the same IP address. Maybe you should try to...