```polyline2Width``` in PieChartRenderer.drawValues helps to draw a horizontal line with a variable width. Similar to this parameter we can form along line1 by changing ```pt1y``` value from ```val pt1y =...
There was a mistake in the ellipse function try this one ``` private float ellipse(float angle) { float a; if (angle%180f >= 0.0 && angle%180
1. Try Changing valueLineLength1 value. 2. Try Decreasing valueTextSize of the pie chart. Thanks for the note of direction. There is no use of direction parameter.
By having dataset Index, we can remove and pass the values to the chart again to redraw the graph, make sure you are calling notifyDataSetChanged() except for Pie Chart.
We have chartTouchListeners for every chart in it we can override onSingelTapUp(MotionEvent e) ``` override fun onSingleTapUp(e: MotionEvent?): Boolean { if (e != null) { val highlight = mChart?.getHighlightByTouchPoint(e.x, e.y)...