Jon Sagotsky
Jon Sagotsky
My .vimrc and theme files are full of things like: ``` vim highlight VertSplit ctermfg=235 ctermbg=235 highlight SpellBad ctermfg=229 cterm=underline hi normal ctermbg=black hi Pmenu ctermfg=gray ctermbg=235 gui=NONE hi PmenuSel...
Hi. My wife has been using LightZone for a couple years now. Every so often we get a photo that looks fine in preview, but shows up with a yellow...
Hi there, I'm trying to bind an action to a key plus my mousewheel. It works, but continues to scroll whatever window is focused. I was expecting sxhkd to capture...
My pair partners have trouble following what I'm doing when they're not vim users. I'd LOVE to have a status bar narrating my keystrokes. I feel like I've seen plugins...
I've been really enjoying the reminder feature. But when I get a note that it's time for a meeting to start, I have to check my actual calendar to find...