Sagiv ben giat

Results 43 comments of Sagiv ben giat

@oyeanuj Thanks. This could be a great addition to `react-elastic-carousel` indeed! >Maybe using an event handler to see if this is the last child, in which case onNext can call...

@Anu-Ujin #17 was not added, you can read [my comment]( about it. I am working on this feature these days (finally got some time to do it). I hope i...

@christo-pr Not sure why you had to use the timer, but you are right in that it feels like going backwards. I mentioned this in my comment above

Yeah, well this year was brutal for me (time wise) and i didn't have much time to work on that feature as i thought i would. When i had time,...

@cpcallen Supporting ES6+ features would be awesome, this is the only "deal breaker" for me of using the lib. Is it something you are considering doing?

Thanks @cpcallen. Actually my use case for this library is to create a JavaScript "visualiser" (similar to devtools), not sure babel can help with this as it will change that...

@KSean222 What do you mean by > ... using source maps to correct this...

> > Babel can generate source maps when converting to ES5. > Yeah i know, but how do you think it to sync them? Sounds interesting

> Is anyone else running multi-arch images for visual-regression testing and noticing discrepancies between visual snapshots taken on say an amd64 vs arm64 image? For my codebase i'm seeing differences...