Safwan Kamarrudin

Results 8 comments of Safwan Kamarrudin

Thanks for the PR @danadaldos. We've had a few Dialyzer issues previously, so I'm thinking of finally adding type specs to the library and will consider your PR as part...

Thanks for the PR 👍🏽. The build's failing for some reason. I'll take a look when I get a chance.

Thanks for the PR @andyleclair. Doesn't this change mean that you need to namespace `retry`, so you can't do ```elixir retry with: linear_backoff(50, 1) |> take(5) ``` and have to...

Terima kasih 😄. LGTM. The badges are a nice touch! I'll merge it some time this weekend 👍🏽.

I think haven't done a good job explaining the situation. What I'm trying to do is create a custom filter that limits the URLs to a specific domain, e.g.

Thanks for the quick reply! Say I have the following middleware pipeline `Authentication` -> `Permissioning` -> `Personalization` In `Authentication` I authenticate the user and obtain a token with a bunch...

> I see, so in essence you don't really need the state sharing, but you need to define a pipeline that chains multiple middleware instances together. Is it correct? Basically...

Thanks for the PR @grufino. I'll try to look at it this weekend.