SwiftyOverlay icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SwiftyOverlay copied to clipboard

Show overlay and info on app components

Results 5 SwiftyOverlay issues
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Hello @saeid For some users, my app keeps crashing on the following lines. What can be the possible reason as I cannot reproduce this issue? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20511422/177037271-98513148-7acf-4425-92df-f2c851bfec0a.png)

If a view is at the center bottom the arrow and the message doesn't show up in the screen. I have attached screenshot for the reference. ![IMG_23401624B440-1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/60426886/107641344-81e50c80-6c99-11eb-8f08-47ce7e3de9d2.jpeg)

Hi, I really liked this library. However, if I am using overlays on programmatically established views (constrained via code) I don't see any overlay and I get several UI warnings...

I really liked this library and thanks for this repo. - Is there a specific reason why the pod is called SwiftyOverlay, and view is called GDOverlay while the delegate...

На этой странице размещены ссылки на найденные материалы, которые подлежат рассмотрению перед добавлением на главную страницу. Если ты, %%username%%, шаришь, и считаешь, что какой-то материал от сюда полезен и актуален,...