Han Hu
Han Hu
I have played with both TextureMesh and the original algorithm [mvs-texturing](https://github.com/nmoehrle/mvs-texturing/issues/59) and found out that OpenMVS handles the outliers better. But I think the hole filling part for invisible triangles,...
On windows, the path is connected by ```\``` rather than ```/```, which may cause some latex environment not recognize the subimport path correctly, e.g. on my machine (python 3.7 win10...
Hi, [OpenMVS](https://github.com/cdcseacave/openMVS/blob/master/libs/MVS/SceneTexture.cpp) also implement the texrecon method,except for the hole filling part. I have tried both openmvs and texrecon and find out that except for the holes are filled gracefully,...
I am curious about how the `cam_to_pos` is determined. I think this is related to the documentation as below? ```We obtain accurate georegistered vehicle poses using structure-from-motion based on all...
`randint` creates non-unique indices, select the first parts of `randperm` will act as expected.
Currently, I have a small project for plane extraction, which will output the (plane projected) point clouds (xyz nxnynz rgb id intensity) and the 3D bounding polygon. I think this...
The HED uses an old caffe, which is not compatible with the latest CUDNN v5 (2x faster reported by NVIDIA). **If only for testing**, after some investigation, it seems that...
Hi, I am wondering how to hook variadic function. For example `int printf(char const* const format, ...)` in the standard library or `VALUE rb_funcall(VALUE, ID, int, ...)` in the ruby...
Although ICE BA is designed for VIO, is it possible to run without IMU? This has a wider application,like stereo camera rigs and RGBD camera (depth could be converted to...