
Results 6 issues of sadmin91

I'm using your container definition on my raspberry Pi. To doing this, I have change the base image of your Dockerfile from `python` to `arm32v7/python`. Do you think is possible...

On issue #308, curl package has been added on standard Dockerfile. is it possible to add this package on ARM Dockerfile?


Hello, I would like to know if it's possible to localize the map generated? I have tryed to add the language parameter on Google Maps API inclusion but it doesn't...

Could you describe how to add an healthcheck command on standalone image? Thanks.

Since March 5th, 2018, Thermostat API has evolved and now supports Valves. With this update Setthermpoint is deprecated -> a new function Setroomthermpoint appears. Is it possible to include this...

Hello, I try to setup this container on a raspberry. On Docker host, I have mount an NFS share to /mnt/swarmData/labemilie-db and I could write on it. I try to...