ofxKinect2 copied to clipboard
kinect2 wrapper for openFrameworks
In case joints of a tracked body are outside of the tracking area, the following warning is logged to console, in case the BodyStream is drawn: > [warning] ofGraphics: ofPushStyle():...
I found huge memory leak after I open ofxKinect2::BodyIndexStream. No updates but only "open" cause seems to cause this problem.
Hello, is it possible to read the z depth of the sceleton? I couldn't find an orientation og the sceleton in the room. regards
hey, if i turn on the programmable renderer, something like... ``` ofGLFWWindowSettings windowSettings; windowSettings.setGLVersion(4, 1); .... ofCreateWindow(windowSettings); ``` then the depth image no longer renders.
Hi, I am trying to calibrate color and depth streams so I can use depth thresholding on the color data. When I call `device_->setDepthColorSyncEnabled(true)` It doesn't seem to effect the...
Does this support tracking?
See the known issues from below link. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/ja-JP/20dbadae-dcee-406a-b66f-a182d76cea3b/troubleshooting-and-common-issues-guide?forum=kinectv2sdk I found IR camera doesn't work on my PC is a problem of graphics driver of NVidia.