Sadika Sumanapala
Sadika Sumanapala
I have set of routes that need to pass through group of middlewares. I tried to use route scopes but it requires prefix to be applied as well. I'm looking...
`validateAccessToken()` method calls `getJwtVerificationKeys()` to fetch verification keys in each token verification. This led to throttle our request by Azure/Microsoft in the past. To work around that we previously extended...
Get following waring message when try to set stlye of Input/Button componet using react native StyleSheet component ``` Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop`style` supplied to `Input` ``` I only...
How to auto resize background view/image on width change (when changing between landscape/portrait mode)? Steps to reproduce (tested only on android): - Run listview example on protrait mode. - Then...
…rect_uri OpenID configuration URI may contain query parameters (for example p=), therefore check before appending new query parameters to URI
back-link: ch04/index.html#image-element link to QQmlImageProvider ( does not exist.
Based on the suggestion on #254, this allows to change the redirect status code to 303-See Other or 307-Temporary Redirect (default)
This change modifies the status code used in the `login_required!` from its current value of 307 (Temporary Redirect) to 303 (See Other). The update improves the redirect behavior when authentication...