I've installed `languagetool` system-wide through my pacman manager. The `languagetool-commandline.jar` is located in `/usr/share/java/languagetool/languagetool-commandlne.jar` and I've set (in .vimrc): ``` vimscript let g:languagetool_jar='/usr/share/java/languagetool/languagetool-commandline.jar' ``` But when I issue the :LanguageToolCheck...
Here is the code ``` ## How to produce Here is a normal text with correct ~~strikethrough text~~. ~~But when it starts from begining of the line it fails.~~ and...
Hi, This is a great list :+1: , but have you checked [ranger]( as the file manager (instead of vifm)?
I've installed vim-matlab for neovim and I'm able to launch the matlab server and issue command. But I can't open this editor in my matlab (currently running) and `matlab` is...