
Results 12 comments of sadaharusong

D:\AndroidStudioProjects\Arcade\arcade\src\main\jni>ndk-build Android NDK: ERROR:D:/AndroidStudioProjects/Arcade/arcade/src/main/jni/Android.m k:arcade: LOCAL_SRC_FILES points to a missing file Android NDK: Check that D:/AndroidStudioProjects/Arcade/arcade/src/main/jni/preb uilts/ exists or that its path is correct D:/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle/build//../build/core/ *** Andro id NDK: Aborting...

I slove the problem , but I have a new one.Just need one step I can build the .so . D:\AndroidStudioProjects\Arcade\arcade\src\main\jni>ndk-build Android NDK: WARNING:D:/AndroidStudioProjects/Arcade/arcade/src/main/jni/Android .mk:arcade: non-system libraries in linker flags:...

@huyn Thank you very much . And I fix the problem , build success . I found the "" , but it still says error in Android Studio ,when I...

@naman14 I try to use the phone with armeabi-v7a , and also try other phone have other cpu . All didn't work . The Error : java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.naman14.arcade-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib,...

Hello, I use instead to solve the problem . But now, I have a new problem, it is missing in the file. Do you miss the file...

Well, Did you find other repository like this ? If you find , could you please share to me ?

@BrianOn99 Google opened a library of open source recently , named tensorflow . You can see it on github or go to official website to see it . It's great...

@BrianOn99 Could you please find this file path Arcade\arcade\src\main\obj\local\armeabi-v7a . The maybe in there , I didn't build it success.

@huyn @BrianOn99 I talk to the author . He will try to revisit the project.

承蒙厚爱,一般我们一起玩的小伙伴是放在桌子的最中间来玩的,所以一般不会有场外,放在桌子最中间,喇叭朝向不变,或者玩家看完点之前旋转一下即可。 关于猎人的功能,最近有空我可以把他加上。 如果夜晚用手机传递的话,一个夜晚就太久了。有点影响游戏体验。 谢谢你的关注和建议,欢迎加star~你也可以fork和我一起开发~你也可以继续提需求~我来继续优化,哈哈哈。