Sachidananda Urs
Sachidananda Urs
Setup a trusted storage pool with nodes (bare metal or VM) that have been configured with bricks (RAID 6 or JBODs) depending on volume types. (bare metal or VM) that...
Currently we use the following variable for setting up cache: ``` gluster_infra_cache_vars: - vgname: vg_vdc cachedisk: '/dev/vdd' cachelvname: 'cachelv_thinpool_vg_vdc' cachethinpoolname: 'thinpool_vg_vdc' cachelvsize: '50G' cachemetalvsize: '2G' cachemetalvname: 'cache_thinpool_vg_vdc' cachemode: 'writethrough' ```...
GlusterFS volume for all the supported configurations * 4+2 * 8+4 * 8+3 * 8+2 *16+4 Write example playbooks for the above configuration.
This tasks file should essential check for the required variables for that particular role. For example: ``` - name: Checking that required variables are set fail: msg="{{ item }} is...
While creating PV/VDO devices, add wipefs features. Which will call the wipefs command before creating a PV or a vdo device.
I had created a few users during my last testing, but I have forgotten them now. There is no way to list the users and their roles. It would be...