Sabri Meviş

Results 6 comments of Sabri Meviş

This branch should be merged immediately. Otherwise people will face unexpected behavior like me in production.

I was having same issue. It didn't appear after loading layout. So I just set timeout like this; `setTimeout(() => {{ text: errorText, duration: Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG, }) }, 300)`

It is not hard to use. Documentation just too bad to implement :) @ogaclejapan please update your documentation. It is really hard to understand and implement a basic scenario.

I am receiving this error while bundling the react native project. Sharing this as it may help for integration. `error: Error: While trying to resolve module `@azure/logger` from file `C:\Users\xxx\source\xxx\node_modules\@azure\storage-...

I have tried many ways to fix this issue and non of them properly worked. It works on most of devices but in some cases its not even work on...

I am receiving this error on Android API 28 only. It works on API 29. Any idea why? ``` {"PERMISSION_DENIED": 1, "POSITION_UNAVAILABLE": 2, "TIMEOUT": 3, "code": 3, "message": "Location req...