Sabby Anandan
Sabby Anandan
_From @ericbottard on September 26, 2016 15:1_ ping @dturanski
The first step is to come up with a repeatable (streaming) sample that uses the Darwin apps on PCC v1.5. It can eventually extend to Einstein apps and also on...
I have had the pleasure of getting to know and working with @Alisammour and @nokhodian on product discovery and research. They are not only bullish about Stacks but are embarking...
Hi, @klopfdreh. Any reason why the existing OAuth-driven RBAC policies help drive the isolation that you're looking for? I have seens folks relying on LDAP groups (separated by teams or...
Of course, if you see any optimizations or feature enhancements to the RBAC policies, we can collaborate to bring it to the desired shape. cc: @ilayaperumalg @jvalkeal
Hi, @taxone. I can see how it'd be useful and it makes sense. If you have cycles, would you be willing to contribute to the feature enhancement?
Great! There's a bit of backend and UI work. AFA we have the API endpoint, we can have @oodamien help with the UI/UX. @cppwfs: if you can help point to...
> I would also be happy merging this PR (doing a great job on the language) as iteration, and tackle the length issue in a subsequent PR. @lgalabru: Yes!...
It'd be very useful indeed, yes! Performance, however, is a paramount concern as you're indirectly alluding to it via indexes. 😃
+1 to not leak the SerDe responsibility to the end-users. In general, encapsulating (complexity like the SerDes) internally would be a welcome improvement for the end-users. I am also liberally...