Sabby Anandan
Sabby Anandan
@jvalkeal: is this still an issue for us?
Hi, @sergeibulavintsev. It sounds like useful information from a tracing perspective. If you have cycles, please feel free to take a stab at it through a pull request. Although, I...
In 2.8.x, we now support the tracing at the level of SCDF, Skipper, and Apps (including, Tasks). @jvalkeal @tzolov: Is this something sufficient for now?
@jvalkeal @tzolov: thoughts?
As next steps, we would proactively apply the validation routines that are backing the `stream validate`, `task validate`, and `app validate` commands.
Moving it to RC1.
Based on the discussion, we would do: - Always validate on `app register ...` command - Also, provide an option to skip validation via `app register .. --skip-validation` - Document...
That seems reasonable, but things could go out of sync if we don't automate the packaging with the source charts. We will discuss it internally to best solve it.
Once when we get some validation on, we can jump at this one, as well.