Sabby Anandan
Sabby Anandan
Quick update. Thanks to @nicholasmhughes, they recently published an elaborate blog on this subject -> -- perhaps review the steps and retry on your enviornemnt.
@thekindler, since you pinged on the same topic in Gitter, perhaps you could try it, as well.
Yeah, let's do it using Minikube/Kind, and we can close it then.
Something like: > minikube start --memory=8000 --cpus=6 --vm-driver=docker --kubernetes-version v1.23.0
@cppwfs: Any other (latest) thoughts to share on this subject?
Hi, @gpehh. Can you share your custom CTR repo with us?
Perhaps, for now, let's get validation on the custom build approach, and understand the challenges (if there's any) with that approach. That can help guide how we can optimize it...
Hi, @nithril. Thanks for the thorough write-up, nicely done! When you get a chance, please propose your best suggestion as PR, and @jvalkeal can collaborate with you.
@philippn: It is indeed great to see this feedback—thank you for the support! Apart from what Ilaya pointed out, you could also define platform accounts as SCDF configuration. In the...
@christianlorenzhmmh: Could you share the versions in use?