Hi everyone I am doing this pull request based in the work of @Kongduino in the issue #394 Welcome feedback Thanks
Arduino has changed the definition of the Mbed core for RP2040 of `ARDUINO_ARCH_MBED_RP2040` to `ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040` Thanks
Hi trying to use the example of FimwareUpdater for WiFiNINA I have the following error, it seems with the Serial3 port, I have tried to declare it but I get...
**Describe the bug** Pair device not Work in mode normal, only in mode bootloader, debug not working **Desktop (please complete the following information):** - OS: Mac Sierra - Browser chrome...
Hi I have started the port for the SAML family so far the UF2 file can be generated, but - the flag `-nostartfiles` must be removed in Makefiles - I...
Hi @orgua I have been able to work the example of the DS18b20 in a SAMD21 with the following modifications but I get the following error when trying the...
Hi @orgua Thanks to excsniper (of Discord Arduino) I have found a temporary solution to work with SAMD21, I have tried it and it is working anyone see a cleaner...
I am trying to load the bootloader to cc1352, if I erase completely with uniflash I can program the new firmware, but once with the new firmware I can't reload...
Hi @shumatech I am trying to program an ATSAMD21E15B and I get an error, is the chip supported? How can I help to add support? Thanks
Hi Is it project support ESP8266? Thanks