libbladerf changed from version 2.0 onwards, LNA gain is no longer there, the code needs to be updated
> I have a "classic" BladeRF device. Is there a previous version firmware and fpga image that I could downgrade to and make the board work? Yes you could try...
This error also occurs when not specifying the version of c++ to the compiler. Adding -std=c++17 solved the issue for me.
Fixed by removing the static declaration part in the source code of hyperkit in src/lib/block_if.c lines 141 and 152. Unknown whether this causes any runtime issues.
@carlocab I don’t have a mac anymore due to Apple malpractices, so I can’t say. In two weeks I can test on another site where there are Apple computers.
Actually many of the features described here are already implemented in flat assembler, fasmg has a powerful macro syntax and other features to create binary files. Not only executables but...
@pgoodman I have the same issue. I followed the instructions on the readme page in root, so I should have the newest version. git log shows: ``` c:\Users\Sab24\Downloads\remill\tools\mcsema>git log commit...
That's eae68217c43f2e99a657c75ae36d40af740cc20e from 10th of February ``` commit eae68217c43f2e99a657c75ae36d40af740cc20e (HEAD -> production) Author: Aiethel Date: Mon Feb 10 18:36:44 2020 +0100 Annotate semantics (#401) * Annotate semantics functions with their...
I think it's because I disassembled with --arch x86 instead of --arch x86_avx
Done, I get ``` (READ_OP (DWORD_PTR (ADD (REG_32 SS_BASE) (REG_32 EBP) (SIGNED_IMM_32 -0x28))))) E0415 18:25:07.242838 22108 Instruction.cpp:130] (X86 b06290 2 (BYTES 03 d0) ADD_GPRv_GPRv_03_32 (WRITE_OP (REG_32 EDX)) (READ_OP (REG_32 EDX))...