Samay Kapadia

Results 33 comments of Samay Kapadia

Also unable to make this work using a plain ubuntu image

^The label should be for server rather than ssh

Hey thanks for having a look at this. I'm running this with the command `serve-local` so is not involved in this process. The only logs are in the screenshot...

Yeah - not sure what does differently, but that works just fine

@microsoft if I were you I would hire @jiyuanq

I see that there is a command line now, could there be a way to add cmd line args to it?

This looks super interesting. I've been working to find a way to reuse c++ memory in Julia but I've been running into some roadblocks. Once we do this, it should...

Hey @quinnj , Thanks for responding to the issue! I've actually looked into this issue a bit more, it looks like implementing the C Data Interface would solve this for...

I've been able to create Julia struct for the C Data Interface using Clang.jl, but I'm a bit confused about accessing the C Data Interface on the python side. @Moelf...