Oskar Grunning

Results 33 comments of Oskar Grunning

@hrsh7th Oh, that's good news. I'll have a look at the docs then and close this issue! 👌

@hrsh7th I just had a look at the docs and I might be missing something but I'm not finding any way to set case handling in cmp via options 🤔

@hrsh7th Ah, gotcha. Would you prefer me to create a ticket there instead? If so, I'll close this one.

Hey 👋🏼, I totally agree and it would be a killer feature, which is why it is added to the **roadmap**. Before creating this script I used `vim-sort-motion` for many...

🤔 I tried this but it doesn't seem to work: ```lua {name = 'vsnip', priority = 40, keyword_pattern = [[^\s*]]} ```

Hmm, no - that doesn't work either. Really confused on how to get this to work. Using `substitute` works fine with the vim regex specified.

That doesn't work either. 😞 I even tried `keyword_pattern = [[\s+]]` and I cannot get it to show. When pressing `` it does though. Super confusing.

@hrsh7th Yes. I'm unable to create a `keyword_pattern` that matches empty lines or lines with only whitespace.

Setting the `priority` manually solves this issue for me.

I'll see if I can create a minimal config that reproduces it.