any update? I want this feature too
@8888alex 請問這個問題解決了嗎? 我也遇到同樣的問題
I've started a quick start before write to here. Where is the training part in Or it just predict boxes? Thank you for your answer.
在 build docker 的時候一直都會顯示 context: f55e199d75794a6b66bbc9be32f71d9c #2 [internal] load .dockerignore #2 sha256:1d6e9177124f301a4dd57f4994abdd38c40911a84bd0e3f81373847a3bc9eaa1 #2 ERROR: failed to add snapshot r4f9ewsz1ff0cvay70u4kv6x3 to lease: write /var/lib/docker/buildkit/containerdmeta.db: no space left on device #1 [internal]...
我是自己部屬的,應該要直接按 deploy railway template 在 readme 上,不好意思