
Results 11 issues of s4miii

Hey bro, first of all thank you so much because of your great job, actually I installed it on `Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5`, the progress done without any error, even my Apache...

Thank you so much because of your great job I have 3 questions, 1) is there any way to check who is connected to our service ? how to set...

thank you so much because of your great job. I changed `jquery.smartCart.js` file ` this.cart_element.addClass('modal fade panel panel-default sc-cart sc-theme-' + this.options.theme); ` and in index page I call it...

Dear Lubomir, thank you so much because of your great job. I know maybe it's completely irrelevant, but I would be very grateful if you could help me 🌷 My...


First of all thank you so much because of Rootkit article. Regarding the tutorial you made, do you have a video explaining it step by step? And can you please...

Hello, thank you very much for your valuable work I have two questions. I would appreciate it if you could help me. First, is there a way to limit the...

Hello, thank you for the great idea and the beautiful code you wrote. I wonder if there is a way we can switch to another user instead of root?I mean,...

Thanks for your beautiful job! actually I need to enter username and password with your theme because I'm part of an Active directory system and I have bunch of usernames...

Salaam Brandon is there anyway to get shell or bypass iOS 11.2.2 ? right now I'm working on an iPhone 7 and I'm in springboard but because it's not patched...

couple of months ago, I installed `Docker 18.09` on my Linux Server, `4.4.0-145-generic #171-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 26 12:43:40 UTC 2019` Then I used this proxy for Telegram app, `docker...