Results 7 issues of s3c

Is it currently possible to execute by ordinal after load? This would be a pretty neat feature combined with Cobalt Strike/DanderSpiritz, etc. [UPDATE] Just hit me that both of those...


When the network is busy, a lot of traffic that isn't necessary clogs it up for everyone. For example: `STATION-1>APT311,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1:>TinyTrak3 ` In fairness, the TinyTrak is great, but packets like...


When running the following code in Python 3.75: ``` import sys import pefile pe = pefile.PE(sys.argv[1]) pe.FILE_HEADER.TimeDateStamp = 0 pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.struct.TimeDateStamp = 0 pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE.struct.TimeDateStamp = 0 pe.write(filename=sys.argv[1]) ``` I get a...

The notes say that it is uncertain why C2 is necessary, this is because the value of C1 is incorrect, in fact it doesn't match the value used in the...

Thanks for the work you've done on this project, it looks like a really clean solution for my next project. Would you be willing to release the gerbers for the...

I'm currently running responder on kali rolling, when executing smbrelay it dies with an exception, as shown below: ``` root@host:/usr/share/responder/tools# ./ -i x.x.x.x -c 'net user msvertupdate msvertupdate /add...

Additions allows spaces in commands, and parsing these correctly for given payload types.