Wojciech Rzepecki

Results 6 issues of Wojciech Rzepecki

### Steps to reproduce I have a "Sign up" link that has `data-turbo-frame` attribute, when test starts sometimes click is not intercepted by Turbo and nothing happens, but sometimes test...


Deploying hangs on step `/usr/bin/ssh-add config/deploy_id_rsa` No matter how long I will be waiting this process is infinity, also nothing is happen in server project folder. ![Screenshot_2021-12-12_23-44-18](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/90463267/145732546-4b5e7b7f-6766-49b6-b277-95229470261f.png)

I want to create sign in/sign up flow with sorcery when I have already access token, is it possible to ommit fetch token from exchange oauth2 authorization code and just...


Is it possible to test external module like Facebook using acceptance test with sorcery without touching Facebook? (in isolation)


Run tests against `RAILS_VERSION=7.0.0` `validates :accept, acceptance: true` stops work correctly and fails

I have made fix, any imrovements are welcomed, cheers. #346