Maybe it's also related to #2080? Possible fix (at least for 2080 issue): https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3/commit/8531162bd9761ce49016b3738ddf394b28f8e462 https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3/commit/81e2b6c0cf1bf8f7cea18035d24edb1ff8ae36ff https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3/commit/41f83ac8b0a5e6e9b1a80be9ec6f8c143944201f
I fixed it here but only for stopwatch https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/commit/4df84088d99741eef64f5019caa7d12610cba6d3
In my opinion this is vanilla ET feature. For collision detection with items bounding box is used instead of actual player capsule, this is why you can also pick up...
Player weapon is sent in `entityState_t`, when out of PVS it is not sent and client uses last known value.
It is mod related not engine, so ET 2.6b or ETL it makes no difference. Legacy mod fov calculation was specifically changed to what more modern games use for better...
I tried modifying ryven's patch, which had problem with occasional rubber banding which was seemingly caused by antiwarp. I didn't encounter rubber banding with the code I added to antiwarp...
I took a quick look since recently I've been doing some unrelated bot stuff and I don't think this is server related, but omnibot module/mod implementation bug, so probably in...
> I would like to have a square compass with where you look at as top. Would be nice if you can combine the shape and the modus of the...
I think I was talking about it not being perfect while I was trying to fix it at the time on discord (not publicly). I think the whole function is...
> Also if it wouldn't have changed anything for the enemy dying, then there is equally no reason to not set it to 71 FPS. But your comment that sniper...