Teemu R.

Results 69 issues of Teemu R.

Using Dockerfile: ``` FROM python:3.9 WORKDIR /app RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y RUN apt-get install -y bluez bluetooth RUN curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python - ENV PATH="${PATH}:/root/.poetry/bin" COPY...

Calling `new_event_loop()` created a second event loop on python

It likely doesn't make sense to convert the whole library to use asyncio, but providing a separate homeassistant-friendly interface could be fairly straightforward to implement. See https://github.com/home-assistant/developers.home-assistant/pull/1412 and https://github.com/home-assistant/developers.home-assistant/pull/1412#issuecomment-1194723457 for...

help wanted

New class methods in Device: * all_supported_models() to return a dictionary model=>implementation class * class_for_model(model: str) to return implementation class for the given model * create(host: str, token: str, model:...

Improve automatic checks to make it easier to contribute and to avoid common mistakes. * [x] flake8-bugbear: https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8-bugbear #915 * [x] flake8-builtins: https://github.com/gforcada/flake8-builtins #915 * [x] flake8-print: https://github.com/jbkahn/flake8-print #915 *...


This meta task will track the progress and tasks to do for the next major release, which aims to simplify the use of the library for downstream users and reorganize...

This WIP PR aims to convert from organically grown API towards service-based one. Each service (such as `guide`, `audio`, `avContent`, etc.) is implemented in its own file located under `services/`...

Some devices do not support the ability to obtain information about available APIs. This PR adds new --devinfo-file option that allows using an existing devinfo file to feed the list...

https://github.com/aparraga/braviarc provides a simplified implementation of the same protocol, but is targeting only the bravia televisions. This library could be extended to add support for those, which would require adding...

help wanted

## Breaking change This change deprecates the old platform-style YAML configuration in favor of using UI to configure the integration. The old configuration is imported and an error is displayed...

integration: eq3btsmart