Ryland Herrick

Results 15 comments of Ryland Herrick

Hey everyone, I'm no longer a contributor on the project so I don't have any insight into the situation, but I felt the need to chime in and say 🙏...

Hey @rptoma! It looks like you're using a newer version of node than is currently supported. As a temporary workaround, you may be able to use node 10.x as that...

I've just released version `0.5.0`, which specifies node >= 10.x and includes an updated version of the `sharp` package.

@Jackymancs4 here are my thoughts: * The only real "resources" we have are an avatar, identified by `/:id`, a custom avatar, identified by `/face`, and some meta stuff that doesn't...

@brandonmack111 I agree! So perhaps we need four top-level resources, then: * `/custom` as above * `/meta` as above * `/series/:seriesName/:id` for artists' sets * `/:id` as the backwards-compatible catchall

@brandonmack111 I think that there's a compromise between what is possible and what we can support as maintainers. Generating custom (not generated from an `:id`) avatars is not currently the...

@brandonmack111 something like this: ```js var Avatars = require('adorable-avatars'); var avatarsMiddleware = Avatars({ hashFunction: myHashingFunction }); var myApp = express(); myApp.use('/myAvatars', avatarsMiddleware) ```

Think this is as easy as changing the [call to stream](https://github.com/adorableio/adorable-avatars/blob/master/lib/imager.coffee#L16)?

@ryan-roemer thanks for the fast response; I'll get that up as soon as I can.

@ryan-roemer in the process of trying to build a problematic example with typescript, I hit a problem with the babel plugin and straight .js files. rylnd/module-pattern-typescript-demo#1 demonstrates the issue I'm...