Ryeker J Herndon
Ryeker J Herndon
Update the docs for MongoDB to utilize Atlas and update security to reflect current versions
ESLint, TSLint, any other linters for other technology stacks we have.
@TomAlperin @mwallert @dunlavy @carlosvargas Please do a quick write up on the benefits of each of these and your suggestions on which to use at Shift3
Add documentation for: - [ ] Deploying to Test Flight for development - [ ] Setting up a Developer account for Apple - [ ] Setting up an iTunes Connect...
For basic spin up. How do we do this at Shift3?
In our repo we have a client-side/javascript doc that needs some contributions. Ideally we will link to the Google JS standards and all of us together will create a style...
How do we do search in our different servers/DBs? Let's add some docs! - [ ] Ryeker will take MongoDB