Ryan O'Connor
Ryan O'Connor
I have the following test which works fine locally. However when run from CI I consistently am getting a timeout when trying to get the postLoginSelector. Any ideas on why...
Multiple Updates in this release: - Upgrade to version 25 of the Dashboard Framework - Addition of the timelapse code - Added two new pages: rotator and advanced rotator
For this, the fix would be to add something like this on line 30: `const agent = (process.env.SPLUNKD_URL || 'https://localhost').startsWith('https') ` In the following file https://github.com/splunk/dashpub/blob/master/template/src/pages/api/data/%5Bdsid%5D.js
When using the timelapse feature in (not in the released version of dashpub), we need to ensure that we are looking for timelapse macros in the post-process search as well...