Ryan Williams

Results 8 comments of Ryan Williams


I'm starting to look at how to use inky in a non-web environment too, in this case a rabbitmq consuming service that sends email. It only uses actionmailer from the...

@VamerVam I can try to help. Can you share the reproduction steps? What commands did you run? What OS/version and what Docker Version do you have?

> * [Datadog porting guide](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-ruby/blob/master/adapters/datadog-porting-guide.md) This Datadog porting guide link is broken, updated url is https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-ruby/blob/main/instrumentation/datadog-porting-guide.md (I think)

libvips add with #144

I support this feature/cli flag as well. bundler-audit is awesome and I encourage teams to add it to their CI pipeline order to provide a forcing function to patch vulnerable...

@januszm is this along the lines of what you were thinking? https://github.com/ryanwi/rails7-on-docker/pull/239