Ryan McKinley

Results 33 issues of Ryan McKinley

kinda complicated. This has raw js library files: https://github.com/NatelEnergy/grafana-plotly-panel/tree/master/src/lib and loads them manually using: https://github.com/NatelEnergy/grafana-plotly-panel/blob/master/src/libLoader.ts

We got jest tests running, but I had to add some hacks to get it to pass. In particular, the panel does not seem to get initialized properly in the...


Somethign funky is happening with the polygon wrapping. When we send a polygon that is almost the bounds: ``` {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-179.992676,17.25],[-179.992676,68.68866],[180,68.68866],[180,17.25],[-179.992676,17.25]]]} ``` It gets normalized to: ``` {"type":"GeometryCollection","geometries":[{"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[180,68.68866],[180,17.25]]},{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-180,17.25],[-180,68.68866],[-179.992676,68.68866],[-179.992676,17.25],[-180,17.25]]]}]} ``` Somethign funky...

Problem reported from [RobThree](https://github.com/NatelEnergy/grafana-discrete-panel/issues/69#issuecomment-434496890): ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/607888/47754947-c9982380-dc9c-11e8-8de6-d9644380d440.png) Let's call the top bar A and the one below B. This is the data: Date Sensor State 2018-10-30 23:33:42 B OFF 2018-10-30 23:33:26 A...


Before the new pipeline, everything was middle aligned. The new pipeline made some stuff top and other things bottom. This is better sometimes, but by default everything in the middle...

This is a first attempt to write down more structured notes on heatmap format constraints.


This PR explores how we may implement a generic "Entity API" over GRPC. Previous attempt: https://github.com/grafana/grafana/compare/entity-api Super early WIP targeting the experimental package Big open question: path vs (uid +...

/!\ NOTE: this is exploring an idea that should likely be solved a bit differently A pattern that keeps emerging while building plugins is that we: 1. collect raw API...

**What this PR does / why we need it**: This PR adds the FieldConfig to the text table -- this is helpful for seeing what is in each field. Super...

We should likely add first class read/write from CSV... this is a simple attempt I did while trying to debug another issue