Ryan Sydnor
Ryan Sydnor
Now that FireFox supports similar APIs, you can get [Holochrome for Firefox here](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bw-holochrome/).
Now that https://github.com/Bridgewater/holochrome/pull/13 brings in travis support, this should become even easier!
I took a slightly different approach to the same problem and made a Chrome extension that leverages instance metadata to open the console. Closed this [issue](https://github.com/AdRoll/hologram/issues/67) by building [Holochrome](https://github.com/ryansydnor/holochrome).
@ckelner - If you're running on a machine that has an instance profile, you can query EC2s metadata service using something like this: ``` var metadataUrl = ""; var onComplete...
@ckelner - I'm interpreting this issue as a question to talk about deployment options. I did a little spike of this for a static website I was prototyping. I use...
@ckelner - came across this repo which documents the process quite well. Might be helpful! https://github.com/taylorking/LambdaDeploy
@ckelner - I automated what I described above using cloudformation and some custom scripts. Check it out: https://github.com/ryansydnor/hugo-cd Hopefully you can leverage it :)