Ryan Shrott

Results 12 comments of Ryan Shrott

@msenior85 @megalancast I'm still getting the issue. Any long term solutions?

@Gallaecio I have an example of the issue here: https://github.com/ryanshrott/scraping/tree/master/demo_airbnb This works perfect: https://github.com/ryanshrott/scraping/blob/master/demo_airbnb/realtorapi.py But this throws a 403. My goal is to replicate the above in scrapy. https://github.com/ryanshrott/scraping/blob/master/demo_airbnb/demo_airbnb/spiders/realtor.py

@arestifo, @rivershah I'm new to docker. I am getting the same error as the OP. Would you mind helping me modify this `Dockerfile` to include your commands? ``` FROM amd64/python:3.9-slim...

> @arestifo I tried that, but get this error on the first command: ``` $ docker run -it --platform=linux/amd64 -v $(pwd)/:/wheel_out debian:11 exec /bin/bash: exec format error ``` Any advice?

This is the newest agent type from this blog? Did you need to do anything special to get await working? https://python.langchain.com/en/latest/modules/agents/agents/examples/structured_chat.html

I tried changing from async to sync and it seemed to resolve this issue, but new error is occuring now. sync_browser = create_sync_playwright_browser() toolkit = PlayWrightBrowserToolkit.from_browser(sync_browser=sync_browser) ERROR: > Entering new...

> With the calculator tool? No I'm using the new playwright browser automation tool, but getting a similar error.

getting similar error. Here is a minimal example following their playwright example: ``` Error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\Users\ryans\Documents\JobsGPT\test.py", line 38, in agent = initialize_agent( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\ryans\.conda\envs\jobsgpt\Lib\site-packages\langchain\agents\initialize.py",...

> Yes the playwright and other structured tools will be compatible with a new agent. Previous agents' format instructions and parsers don't work well with more complex signatures Ok so...