Ryan Riccio
Ryan Riccio
The BCM2711 on the Pi4 has 5 PL011 interfaces, as well as 1 mini UART. From what I saw, the PL011 supports break detection while the mini UART does not....
> Is that anything clever or just running multiple ports of our existing plugin? Does it just work out of the box or does it need any special config? I...
sACN to WS2811/2b on RPI4 (WIP) https://github.com/ryanriccio1/rpi-sacn-neopixel
@peternewman I did not think to do that, mostly because I did not have to worry about the implementation and just needed a quick way of getting it to work...
@peternewman I've figured out how to get the devices but I haven't figured out how to control the patching going to the python API
@peternewman > I don't immediately see another loop in your code, so I think you could just call the write function each time you get new DMX data. To my...