Ryan L McIntyre

Results 5 issues of Ryan L McIntyre

splitting #64 into 2 parts - [x] ~~part 1: title and image~~ - [ ] part 2: internal and breaking changes (v1.0.0) ## Global config naming consistency changes RFC |...

✨ enhancement
➤ future

fixes reStructuredText links

I was updating a few projects (Nerd Fonts and VimDevIcons) and noticed a few issues. 1. VimDevIcons is inactive 2. Updating a project seems to move it to the last...

help wanted

Debating converting to an organization or at least possibly inviting collaborators. I would probably target starting with those who have already submitted PRs. Any thoughts? Ping here if interested or...

☕ discussion

* Thanks for the great theme (it is fun to tweak)