Ryan Meisters
Ryan Meisters
Interesting. I build for network connected device pretty frequently (usually just build, not run since the app I work on most is large). I’ve never run into issues with my...
Ah I hadn’t even considered Apple TV. I just assumed you meant iPhone/iPad!
@meieri what happens when you do `:help command`? It doesn't seem to do anything for me in Xcode 11.1
I'd love to figure this one out. I found [this line](https://github.com/XVimProject/XVim2/blob/4640a48b487df80dbd018e6ff1076629dc7e86ff/XVim2/XVim/XVimExCommand.m#L1111) in the code, which looks like it is just logging the registers to console.. but I don't see any...
Yeah. I've looked into that a little bit. This would require us to figure out how to access Xcode's key bindings. As far as I know, I don't think any...
Oh nice! How do you set the key binding? Does it actually show up in the Xcode preferences?
Ah, gotcha. I kind of think that we shouldn't ship the plugin with a keyboard shortcut that can't be changed easily. It would be sweet to figure out how to...
+1 for this issue, but really freeking awesome tool. You deserve all the 🍺
@lordzsolt That is interesting. The way I prefer to write rx, for example, is ``` button.rx.tap .disposed(by: bag) .map { /* some optional value */ } .skipNil //