Ryan Coe
Ryan Coe
Is there a way to perform a fillet operation on a curve via `pygmsh` (`gmsh` has this functionality: https://gmsh.info/doc/texinfo/gmsh.html#index-Fillet-_007b-expression_002dlist-_007d-_007b-expression_002dlist-_007d-_007b-expression_002dlist-_007d)?
- [x] radiation - [ ] excitation - [ ] update docs
I often do the following after running the Capytaine solver: ```python ds = ds.assign_coords(freq=("omega",ds['omega'].values/2/np.pi)) ds['freq'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Frequency' ds['freq'].attrs['units'] = 'Hz' ``` which allows me to more easily make plots with...
For cases in which the there is 1 or fewer dimensions (`len(da.spec.dir) [1](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=30&line=1) da.spec.plot() File [~/mambaforge/envs/wot_dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/wavespectra/specarray.py:768](https://file+.vscode-resource.vscode-cdn.net/Users/rcoe/Downloads/~/mambaforge/envs/wot_dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/wavespectra/specarray.py:768), in SpecArray.plot(self, kind, normalised, logradius, as_period, rmin, rmax, show_theta_labels, show_radii_labels, radii_ticks, radii_labels_angle, radii_labels_size, cbar_ticks,...
It'd be great to add a brief example in the documentation on creating a `SpecArray` object from scratch (i.e., using the `__init__` method). I think it would be as simple...
gmsh v4
It seems that meshmagick cannot read `.msh` files created with with the latest version of gmsh (4.*). I'm aware that you can use gmsh's command line option `-format msh22` to...
Not a bug, but I was trying to analyze 30 years of hourly data with `xarray`, `dask`, and `mhkit` and having a lot of trouble getting things to run in...