Ryan Coe
Ryan Coe
I was messing around with this for the first time in a while (playing with Mamba...). I was getting the following error: ```bash pip install --no-build-isolation -e . Obtaining file:///Users/rcoe/Documents/capytaine...
I thought I might've made the mistake you mention above, so I went through this again, but I still have the same problem: ```zsh mamba create -n tmp_capy mamba activate...
I believe the best process remains compiling it yourself, using either of the following, which are roughly equivalent (I think): 1. https://github.com/capytaine/capytaine/issues/355#issuecomment-1731795990 2. https://github.com/capytaine/capytaine/issues/190#issuecomment-1213266106 It'd be great if you compiled...
Confirmed that the following workflow using `pip` works for me, nice work! ``` mamba create -n test_cpy_install mamba activate test_cpy_install mamba install pip pip install capytaine # if you want...