As it is now it's very easy to accidentally favorite/boost/post from one account thinking you're in another. A way to more readily see which account you're posting with other than...
Attempting to use the example with lavalink v4 causes the lavalink log to output `2023-12-30T09:17:24.090Z WARN 45825 --- [ XNIO-1 task-2] o.s.web.servlet.PageNotFound No mapping for GET / ` and the...
When using the` /play ` command the bot only ever loads the[ top youtube search for the term 'undefined'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbnddQ9l0IA). The `const resolve = await client.poru.resolve(interaction.options.getString('query'));` line is malformed and only...
Currently if you select "Open next daily note" and that note doesn't exist you just get a toast notification that there's no note to open. It'd be nice if it...