建议加个for k := range ...的benchmark, 理论上和 for i:=0 ... 性能是一样的
nvme问题我尝试unmount windows10的所有分区后,用了一周没有异常重启过,机器原装的970,osx装在后配的intel 760p上,你可以试试这个脚本,自动卸载windows分区的,每次开机都执行一次 ``` windows=$(diskutil list |grep 'Microsoft Reserved') re="(disk[0-9]+).*" if [[ $windows =~ $re ]]; then obj=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}; fi diskutil unmountDisk $obj ```
> rc-update add cloudflared default One more command is needed `chmod +x /etc/init.d/cloudflared`
And my local machine os is Mac Monterey, remote machine os is ubuntu 20.04
> Did you manage to fix the issue? No ,I just found the cause of the problem. In [this](https://github.com/RXDA/geek-course) workspace project, if I remove the thumbor from cargo.toml members, it...
> I wonder if it is related to the prost proc macros in https://github.com/RXDA/geek-course/blob/main/thumbor/src/pb/abi.rs After I removed pb/abi.rs and related code, analyzer works.
> I have a similar issue when remoting from Mac OS to Windows: > > ``` > [Error - 17:10:04] Request textDocument/hover failed. > Message: url is not a file...